Equality, Diversity and Fairness Policy
Please read carefully
[Last updated: Jan 6th 2025]
Our Commitment
Arthur’s Place is committed to equality of opportunity and fairness in the delivery of our services and in our capacity as a community interest company. We believe that this commitment must extend beyond legislative compliance and address both the business case for diversity as well as the moral case for ensuring equality of opportunity and fairness for all. Arthur’s Place recognises that due to the nature of our work it is important that we strive to reflect the diverse culture across the UK and beyond. It is therefore important that we work towards having a broad range of cultures, languages and backgrounds in order to accommodate the needs of our clients. We actively monitor our workforce and network and strive to ensure we have a proper representation of the population at large available to us. Arthur’s Place recognises that certain groups and individuals in society are disadvantaged because of discrimination experienced. We seek to ensure that Arthur’s Place respects and includes everyone and that no member of the Arthur’s Place Team, freelance worker or volunteer engaged to work with or on behalf of Arthur’s Place receives less favourable treatment on the basis of a protected characteristic e.g.
Disability and/or medical conditions,
Marital status (including civil partnership),
Race, language, ethnic or national origins,
Religion or belief,
Sexual orientation,
Gender Reassignment,
Pregnancy or maternity.
Arthur’s Place recognises that there may be other areas where people experience discrimination and will work towards an anti-discriminatory environment through open discussion. Arthur’s Place further recognises that discrimination can be direct or indirect and take place at both institutional and personal levels. Arthur’s Place believes that such discrimination is unacceptable, and we are committed to providing equality of opportunity for all by eliminating unwarranted and unlawful discrimination. We will do this by ensuring that our practices reflect relevant legislation and good practice.
When working with public sector organisations and individuals in the UK Arthur’s Place will work in a manner that supports the main aims of the General Equality Duty. These being to:
Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisations on the grounds of age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, race, religion and belief and sexual orientation.
Advance equality of opportunity.
Foster good relations between different communities.
Information and training:
All new starters within Arthur’s Place receive a brief regarding responsibilities during their induction. A copy of all relevant policies are available to them at that time and for the duration of the time they are with Arthur’s Place. New updates are circulated to the whole workforce via email. All self-employed workers engaged by Arthur’s Place are made aware of our Equality, Diversity & Fairness Policy and of the expectation that they will act in a manner which complies with the policy whilst working on behalf of or with Arthur’s Place. Members of the Arthur’s Place Team and self-employed workers, engaged by Arthur’s Place within the UK are made aware of the requirements of the General Equality Duty under the Equality Act 2010. Arthur’s Place training objective will be to continue to ensure that:
Those with specific staff responsibilities are aware of current legal requirements, standards of good practice and the practical implications of Arthur’s Place Equality, Diversity & Fairness Policy.
Assessment of impact of policies and processes
Although Arthur’s Place has no written equality impact assessment policy, it has, and will continue to carry out, assessments of the impact of its policies and processes where it is felt to be appropriate to do so. The assessments will examine the positive and negative impacts on those with protected characteristics and others considered vulnerable. These assessments will be carried out in a manner which is open and fair.
Reasonable Adjustments
Arthur’s Place will monitor individual requirements under the Equality Act 2010 and will make reasonable adjustments as required to ensure the main aims of the General Equality Duty are adhered to. Workplace adjustments can be temporary or made on a permanent basis.
Who Is Responsible?
Andrea McBride, the Director of Arthur’s Place has overall executive responsibility for equality and diversity within the community interest company.
Individual Responsibility: It is the duty of all employees, team members, freelance workers and agreed volunteers to accept their personal responsibility for the practical application of the Arthur’s Place Equality, Diversity & Fairness Policy. It is the duty of all involved in the work or Arthur’s Place to challenge and report bullying, harassment, discrimination and unacceptable behaviour. It is the duty of all involved in the work of Arthur’s Place to seek support and advice as needed, to deal with equality and diversity issues in their day-to-day work. All who work on behalf of Arthur’s Place are expected to comply with the overall ethos of the policy in their dealings with individual clients, customers and with employees of Arthur’s Place.
Monitoring and review: monitors our workforce and network on the grounds of age, ethnicity and gender to ensure we have a proper representation of the population at large. We do not at present collect details of religion or sexual orientation as this information is regarded as personal (please have regard for our Privacy Policy). This Equality, Diversity & Fairness Policy will be subject to a regular annual review. Amendments will be carried out when appropriate to ensure that this remains a living, up to date and relevant policy.
Disciplinary Procedures:
Arthur’s Place encourages mindfulness of this policy and its objectives in all dealings between the company and its staff, associates, customers and the general public. All staff and associates must comply with the terms of this policy and any failure to do so will be a disciplinary matter subject to action under the Complaints or Grievance procedures as appropriate. All actions taken under the disciplinary procedures will conform to the requirements and intentions of this policy.
Appendix A
Equality Act 2012, Section 149. The General Equality Duty
The general equality duty is set out in the Equality Act 2010 (the Act). In summary, those subject to the equality duty must, in the exercise of their functions, have due regard to the need to:
– Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act
– Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
– Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
These are sometimes referred to as the three aims or arms of the general equality duty. The Act helpfully explains that having due regard for advancing equality involves:
– Removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics
– Taking steps to meet the needs of people from protected groups where these are different from the needs of other people
– Encouraging people from protected groups to participate in public life or in other activities where their participation is disproportionately low.
The Act states that meeting different needs involves taking steps to take account of disabled people’s disabilities. It describes fostering good relations as tackling prejudice and promoting understanding between people from different groups. It states that compliance with the duty may involve treating some people more favourably than others. Public authorities also need to have due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination against someone because of their marriage or civil partnership status.
This Policy was last reviewed on Jan 6th 2025.