Survival made a warrior out of me

by Rachael-Sarah (Sez)

As many of my lovely Arthur’s Place family know, recently I went to London to a “The 100” convention run by Starfury. The staff went above and beyond in making things easier for me just in case of a bad pain day. They brought me to the front of every queue and endeavoured to get seats for me to sit down.

They all; staff, fellow fans, and the cast themselves, made me feel special – like I was important and that my disability, caused by our well-known monster arthritis, did not define who I am. I got a tight bear hug and a kiss on the forehead by one of my favourite actresses, Tasya Teles. She plays “Echo” on the show. She was very impressed with my determination to still enjoy the convention despite having a bad pain day.

Rhiannon Fish, my absolute favourite actress, is an unequivocal sweetheart. Not only did she seem genuinely caring, she made me feel as beautiful as she is. She fills the room with love and a pure soul that everyone can see. The whole convention, even fellow actors in panels, couldn’t say enough about how amazingly sweet she really is.

When I went for my photo with Rhiannon the shoot had already started. When I arrived at the room they sat me down and decided, that to give me more time, to put me last. When it got to my turn, as I was walking on crutches, the staff took them from me when I was like 5 steps away from Rhiannon so I hobbled over.

She was genuinely concerned and looked so sad and sympathetic for me and asked me what was wrong. I immediately wanted to hug her after I told her I had arthritis, as she looked so pained and sad herself. She imparted her greatest hope, while hugging me tightly, over my surgery going well. She even insisted I tweet her after and tell her how it went. Rhiannon is an amazing woman, so sweet and caring. I believe we haven’t seen the last of her on TV.

I hope all of you reading this feel immersed in my excitement. Part two to come with a break in between to blog about my impending surgery. I also hope you all do great things, not letting this disease rule your lives, much love – Sez x

Meet Sez and other friendly folk on Arthur’s Place Social, our Facebook Group

(Any opinions expressed in Sez’s blog are not necessarily shared by Arthur’s Place. Nothing that you read in Sez’s blog constitutes medical advice.)