Many health professionals shared their expertise for the creation of articles on Arthur's Place. We would like to thank them all. Find them below, plus links to the articles they contributed to

Dr Martin Lee
Dr Martin Lee is currently working as Consultant Rheumatologist and Associate Professor in Clinical Rheumatology at Mediclinic Parkview and Mohammed Bin Rashid University, Dubai. He has previously worked as a Consultant for Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals and the Royal Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases in Bath.

Dr. John Ioannou
Reader and Honorary Consultant in Adolescent and Adult Rheumatology at University College London Hospitals and Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Is it safe to get a tattoo?

Dr Ronan Kavanagh
Consultant Rheumatologist, medical columnist and former President of the Irish Society for Rheumatology.
Festivals Survival Guide

David Gillanders (CPsychol)
David Gillanders is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist, member of the British Psychological Society, Health & Care Professions Council, Association of Clinical Psychologists (UK), British Association of Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapy and a founder member of the Association for Contextual Behavioural Science. He is Head of Clinical & Health Psychology at the University of Edinburgh.

Dr. Caroline Stokes
Clinical Psychologist, Maudsley Hospital, London.
How to cope with diagnosis blues

Steve Tolan
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and professional adviser to the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.
The benefits of physiotherapy

Charlie Laver
Specialist Rheumatology Occupational Therapist at Pennine Musculoskeletal Partnership and chair of the specialist rheumatology group at the College of Occupational Therapists.
Tiredness tips from an Occupational Therapist
The benefits of Occupational Therapy

Martin Lau
Dietitian and Nutritionist registered with the Health and Care Professions Council and offers nutritional consultations at Eastbourne and Harley Street. Also works for the charity Arthritis Action.
A dietitian answers the big arthritis questions
Dr Mohini Gray
Consultant Rheumatologist, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh.
The truth about arthritis and smoking
Dr. Rod Hughes
Consultant Rheumatologist
Pregnancy & Arthritis Guide – What to expect in the first trimester
Pregnancy & Arthritis Guide – What to expect in the second trimester
Dr Emily Taylor
Clinical psychologist
Getting mind and body ready for pregnancy
Dr Claudia Herbert
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
A rheumy nurse, physio, OT, psychologist and midwives share advice for new mums with arthritis
What to do if arthritis makes it hard to bond with baby
Dr Emma Citron
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
A rheumy nurse, physio, OT, psychologist and midwives share advice for new mums with arthritis
What to do if arthritis makes it hard to bond with baby
Sue Kennedy
Senior Medical Educator and Senior Physiotherapist, Royal Derby Hospital
Five reasons to try strength training
Ripal Patel
Specialist Physiotherapist and professional advisor to the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Tiredness tips from a physiotherapist
Victoria Ruffing
RN Nurse Manager, Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center, Baltimore, USA
Six steps to love life confidence!
Chris Russell-White
Rheumatology Nurse Specialist, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Tiredness tips from a Rheumatology Nurse
Colin Beevor
Matron and Service Manager, Rheumatology Dept, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth
A rheumy nurse, physio, OT, psychologist and midwives share advice for new mums with arthritis
Lauren Kearney
Specialist midwife
Pregnancy & Arthritis Guide – What to expect in the first trimester
Pregnancy & Arthritis Guide – What to expect in the second trimester
Pregnancy & Arthritis Guide – What to expect in the third trimester
Eleana Papadopoulou
Nutrition Scientist, British Nutrition Foundation
Tiredness tips from a nutritionist
Dr Aine O’Connor
British Nutrition Foundation
The Can Do Summer Diet & Fitness plan
Jo Travers – Dietician
The London Nutritionist
Is your extra weight hurting you?
Jessica Chivers
Life Coach
How to build up your body confidence
Niki McGlynn
Treat tired hands to a DIY massage
Amanda Savage
Getting mind and body ready for pregnancy
A rheumy nurse, physio, OT, psychologist and midwives share advice for new mums with arthritis
What to do if arthritis makes it hard to bond with baby
Sue Kennedy
Senior Medical Educator and Senior Physiotherapist, Royal Derby Hospital
Five reasons to try strength training
Ripal Patel
Specialist Physiotherapist and professional advisor to the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Tiredness tips from a physiotherapist
Roisin Hodgson
Occupational Therapist
A rheumy nurse, physio, OT, psychologist and midwives share advice for new mums with arthritis
Mark Cornish – Employment Law Solicitor, Grant Saw Solicitors LLP
Work Survival Guide