Naughty knees

by Collette McColgan

Happy knee, sad knee

As I’m in between medicines at the moment – as I have been on many occasions before – I’m having various issues with various joints.

When I went through a similar period back in November 2013 me and my friend would celebrate ‘the joint of the day’, every day.

It was always something different back then. Since I’ve been off my meds this time, it’s actually been the same joints every day. Right wrist, right elbow, right hip.

But now my right knee has kicked off, in a big way.  It is really swollen and hot. So swollen I can hardly bend it. It looks like a bald man’s head in the middle of my leg.

I don’t know why all my bad joints are on the same side of my body. I guess that’s one of life’s great mysteries.

I don’t know why it’s my right knee that is bad, when that’s normally the good one. Old reliable. Steady Eddie.

I’m starting my new medicine on Friday. Here’s hoping I will be able to wear trousers over my massive knee once again from then!

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(Any opinions expressed in Collette’s blog are not necessarily shared by Arthur’s Place. Nothing that you read in Collette’s blog constitutes medical advice.)