#ThanksForMasking – wearing a face mask protects young people with arthritis

by Arthur's Place

Woman in a protective mask on the train

Arthur’s Place is urging the general public to continue to wear a face covering in crowded public places if they are able to – even when the legal requirement to do so ends. #ThanksForMasking!

The Prime Minister has indicated that all legal Covid-19 restrictions in England are likely to end on July 19.

Many young people with arthritis are clinically vulnerable, or extremely vulnerable. If people have an autoimmune condition, such as some forms of arthritis, and/or they are receiving treatment to control their immune system, their risk from Covid-19 is higher.

Many young people with arthritis have shielded for long periods during the Covid-19 lockdowns.

Social distancing and the wearing of face coverings, along with the roll-out of the vaccination programme, has enabled young people with arthritis to start feeling safer again.

If people stop social distancing and wearing masks after July 19, it won’t be Freedom Day for young people with arthritis. It will mean the potential loss of freedom, as many will feel more unsafe in public places.

So we are urging the public to follow the Government’s proposed advisory guidance:

  • Please be considerate and respectful
  • Please consider that the person sitting next to you may be clinically vulnerable
  • Please wear a face covering in enclosed and crowded spaces
  • Please continue to wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser regularly
  • Please cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze
  • Please stay at home if you are unwell
  • Please get a test if you have Covid symptoms
  • Please isolate if you are instructed to do so


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