Hi. My name’s Charlie and I have Palindromic Rheumatism arthritis. That essentially means my arthritis comes and goes. I was only diagnosed in January of this year but had pains…
Hey everyone, welcome back to my little corner on Arthur’s Place. So, In this post I thought that I would share some personal experiences that demonstrate why RA has come…
How do you tell someone that you have a debilitating chronic disease? Lots of people know I have JIA. I personally told everyone that’s close to me and the rest…
Hello, I’m back! I hope you’re all doing fan-dabby-dozy! My first real blog is going to be about my diagnosis, because a) I like to keep things chronological; it not…
Hey there! My name’s Molly, I’m a 22-year-old crafter, nerd, adrenaline junkie and radio presenter, topped off nicely with a degree in Drama. I was diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis…